Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The students have been hard at work in their classes. The Monday (ELA) and Wed (Math) classes are working on strengthening  grade level core curriculum and extending (paralleling) the targeted skills instruction where it is needed. Our enrichment classes are always a treat to visit. What joy it is to see our 3rd and 4th graders Dancing. Even Ballroom Dancing. I am thinking we may need to come up with a Mirror Ball Trophy! If you stop in one day you may even be able to join them in the Mac-arena. Our Stem Technology classes have worked on computer programs such as Power Point, built Macaroni Towers utilizing measurement and other scientific principals, rubber band rockets, using the principles of flight to construct and test and participated in the movement “hour of code” as part of the computer science education week. For more information visit www.code.org. Our 7th grade enrichment class has been working on creating things out of various patterns and colors of duct tape. I was speechless when I saw dresses, jackets, etc. I think you will be too when you see them. I'll share some more of what classes are doing next time as well.

We are planning to have a mini Showcase late in February. I will let you know the exact date once it is firm so that you can plan ahead. Hope all are staying warm in this challenging chilly weather.